Client Stories & Testimonials
How We've Helped Other Clients...
If you're deciding whether our psychotherapy clinics can help you it can be useful to know how therapy with us has already helped other people. Some of our previous clients have allowed us to share their stories of how psychotherapy at our clinics has helped them change their lives for the better.

Retired Engineer - Had Cognitive Behavioural Therapy at our London Psychotherapy Clinic.
David contacted us about 18 months after he retired from a long and successful career. He started to have relationship difficulties with his grown up children and partner, he also grew more distant from friends and noticed that he was becoming very concerned and preoccupied with his health.
“I was living in fear of dying. Any little sensation in my body would make me believe I was about to have a heart attack or a stroke.”
Over time David’s anxiety about his health grew to the point where he was visiting his GP on a weekly basis and seeing a number of medical consultants who suggested to him that his main problem might be health anxiety.
David contacted us hoping to find a way to reduce his anxiety, and he met with Alex Hedger. Alex helped David understand how his thoughts about his health were keeping his anxiety high. Over the next 12 sessions they explored trying out new ways of thinking and managing David’s thoughts, and different ways of coping with his anxiety.
“Alex gave me techniques and things I could actually do between sessions to make myself feel better. They weren’t an instant fix, but I noticed my anxiety improving more quickly than I expected.”
By the end of therapy David was not seeing his GP on a weekly basis. He had also started doing pleasurable activities again that he had begun avoiding because of worrying that he would damage his health. He was also mending relationships with his family – who now said that it was much easier to be around him, and welcomed him back in to their lives.
“Treatment has been very good and has generated thoughts that are continuing to help restore my confidence as I move into my retirement”

University Lecturer - Had Trauma-Focused Therapy At Our London Psychotherapy Clinic
Sandra was referred to us by her GP as she was suffering from low mood and blamed herself for the death of her sister who had ended her own life. Sandra was struggling to manage her work within a high pressure university department due to feeling high levels of guilt and having flashbacks of her sister which were frightening and seemed uncontrollable.
“I thought that I should have done more to help my sister and that it was actually my fault. I believed other people judged me harshly too I was unsure about seeking therapy again as previous treatment hadn’t really helped me.”
Sandra had seen a psychologist in the past, but felt that it hadn’t gone deep enough in helping her come to terms with the past. She came to Dynamic You for weekly sessions of trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. In the earlier sessions her therapist helped her to find ways to cope with flashbacks and difficult memories. This helped her to feel safer and improve her sleep and concentration. In later sessions Sandra and her therapist focused on events that she had gone through in the past with her sister and Sandra began to understand that she wasn’t to blame
“I began to realise that I had done everything that I could, and that feeling guilty wasn’t useful to me anymore. My therapist helped me to understand the difference between sadness and guilt. I now feel sad about the past, but not guilty about myself. This has had a huge impact on my life for the better.”
Sandra began to go to work again, and even received compliments from colleagues about how well she was looking. Although her life has changed significantly, Sandra said that she feels able to cope, and to move on with getting the most from her life again.
“Very positive and empowering. You have equipped me with the skills I need to move forward. I cannot express how beneficial this has been, thankyou!”

Advertising Director - Had Therapy at Our London CBT Clinic
Lee was referred to our London Clinic by his health insurer, following a previously unsuccessful course of Therapy.
“I got in contact with Alex when I was at a low point. Previous therapy hadn’t been successful. I knew I was in a bad way, but it’s only in retrospect, having travelled the path with Alex, that I now realise how bad I really was. Things became more rational, and I was better placed to take on board the things Alex was telling me.
I didn’t realise it at the time, but Alex was probably exactly what I needed at that given time. And for that I want to thank Alex for his help.”
– 3rd November 2017

Self Employed - Had Psychotherapy at Our Bristol Psychotherapy Clinic
Harry contacted us as he was struggling to manage long hours at work, and was also concerned that he was drinking too much alcohol. He had clear goals that he wanted therapy to help him achieve. These were feeling ‘ok’ about spending less time at the office, having more quality time with his girlfriend and to control his drinking.
“I loved my work, but it meant that the only time I felt good was when I was completed the next big project. This usually meant drinking heavily to celebrate if we got a new contract. But if work wasn’t going well it also meant I would drink more to make myself feel better about it instead.”
James and his therapist met weekly at first, and then moved to meeting every two weeks as he began to see change. Together they focused on what was motivating James to drink in particular, thoughts he had about rewarding himself in order to reassure himself that he was doing a good job with his business. By discovering this James and his therapist could explore other ways that he could also get a sense of reward from his work. He also found that by making changes, his stress levels decreased as he was able to spend more time with his partner, which improved their relationship.
“My experience has been life changing, giving me the strategies and knowledge that I really needed to reduce my stress and understand myself better”
Student - Had Therapy At Our Bristol Clinic
Christine saw Jane Gowland for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Bristol. She wrote the wrote the following testimonial on Doctify (a site that provides reviews of private Doctors and Health Specialists.)
“I felt comfortable with Jane from the moment I walked through the door in my first session. Jane was great at listening to what I had to say and I never once felt unable to tell her how I truly felt, or give an honest answer to her questions, Jane was warm and friendly, yet professional and really helped me to see why I was experiencing anxiety and helped me learn some excellent tools for managing this. I am really happy with the progress I have made and it’s thanks to Jane that I was able to make progress quickly. I would recommend Jane as a therapist to anyone in need of CBT.”
– 5th November 2015
IT Specialist - Had Therapy At Our London Therapy Clinic
Jake approached us for Therapy and had CBT sessions with Alex Hedger. He wrote the following testimonial on Doctify (a site that provides reviews of private Doctors and Health Specialists.)
“Alex helped me during a particularly stressful time in my life after separating from my wife. His compassion, understanding and insight assisted me during this period and gave me the help I needed to pull through. I would strongly recommend Alex to anybody seeking a CBT counsellor.”
– 27th April 2016
Creative Designer - Had Therapy At Our London Therapy Clinic
Gemma received a course of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy at our London Clinic with Alex Hedger. She wrote the following testimonial on Doctify (a site that provides reviews of private Doctors and Health Specialists.)
“I was referred to see Alexander Hedger, in December 2015, following diagnosis from the Doctors for depression and anxiety. I have weekly one hour CBT sessions with him for a 8 week period.
In that time, I went from feeling completely lost and helpless back to the stronger person that I was before. I had seen people in the past to help me with my condition but this was the first time, that someone got me and was able to give me techniques to help me with things in both my work and personal life. I did CBT and through the help of Alex Hedger was able to apply it successfully to both the high pressure situations in my work and personal life.
Even at times, when it seemed to me that things were small and meaningless but did in fact have a big impact on what was happen with me, Alex was able to draw the focus on me and my recovery. His style, allowed me to identify the problems and come up with solution which I am still using today. I would recommend treatment with Alex Hedger.”
– 26th April 2016
Financial Sector - Had Therapy At Our London Therapy Clinic
Graham approached us as he had been struggling with levels of motivation. He had a brief course of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in London with Clinical Director Alex Hedger. He wrote the following testimonial on Doctify (a site that provides reviews of private Doctors and Health Specialists.)
“Excellent all round, going into the sessions I didn’t know what to expect but the guidance and reassurance given by Alex led to a pace which was conductive to getting a positive result. As someone who was unsure of the benefit which CBT could offer prior to the sessions the progress from struggling to communicate my issues at the start to having real take away benefits and freedom to talk more freely is something which will really assist me in the future. If I were to consider needing this sort of therapy again I would not hesitate in contacting Alex.”
– 20th January 2016
Carer - Had CBT Sessions At Our Exeter Clinic
Melissa had CBT treatment with Jane Gowland at our Exeter Clinic to help her reduce the amount she was worrying and improve her anxiety levels. She gave Jane Gowland the following review on the Doctify website (A website similar to ‘TripAdvisor’ for Private Doctors and Health professionals.)
“With the use of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, I was able to go from some someone who was anxious most of the time, to someone who worries much less and is finding life more enjoyable. Deciding to go start therapy with Jane Gowland was one of the best decisions I have ever made as it has meant I can be more happy with myself and has given me more control over my life.”
– 26th November 2015
Systems Analyst - Had Sessions At Our London Clinic
Sarah saw Alex Hedger at Dynamic You’s London Clinic for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to help with longstanding Low Self-Esteem problems. She had 12 sessions in total and wrote the following review of her treatment with us.
“I cannot recommend Alex enough- he is an amazing therapist. Before I started CBT my self-esteem was at rock bottom, which affected all aspects of my life. Over the years it had gradually worsened until I decided to finally do something about it.
My first session was very nerve-wracking, I didn’t know what to expect- I almost cancelled last minute. Alex was very professional and put me right at ease. He has a fantastic ability to truly listen to what you’re saying- I’ve never felt so well understood! I felt comfortable to say exactly what was going through my mind and he helps you to peel away the layers to get to the root of your problems.
Together we created a bespoke “tool-kit” of techniques to help redirect my thought process to a healthier way of thinking. I have now finished my CBT feeling so much stronger and ready to take things on, knowing that at difficult times I can go back to my tool-kit and work through it- I have become my own therapist.
I couldn’t have done it without Alex- thank you so much! On a practical note, I could book in sessions whenever was most convenient for me, I was never left waiting for a session and there was no pressure to finish a session on time- he often allowed me to keep going and overrun a little which I really appreciated.
He is understanding, trustworthy and professional- you will be in safe hands with him.”
– 3rd February 2017
(We have used an actor's photo and a pseudonym by request, however all other information is accurate.)